"multiple_rates": "We found [number_of_rates] shipping rates available for [address], starting at [rate].",
"one_rate": "We found one shipping rate available for [address].",
"no_rates": "Sorry, we do not ship to this destination.",
"rate_value": "[rate_title] at [rate]",
"errors": "There are some errors:"
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Objednal jsem 5 pouzder.ip16pro max sou ok. ip16 pro je shit
Objednal jsem 5 pouzder na ip16pro max a vše v pořádku. Bohužel pouzdro které jsem vzal synovi na ip 16 pro vůbec nejde nasadit na telefon. V oblasti fotoaparátu nepasuje vůbec.ORDER #7818
Nechctel sem to s vámi vůbec resit, ale když mi každý druhy den píšete o recenzi tak tady ji mate znova. Již druhou, na první jste vůbec nereagovali. To je směšné
Magnet works great. Offers plenty of protection. Only complaint is it seems to let more dust in behind it than other cases i have had, especially around the camera square.